Top 10 Industries Considered High-Risk by Payment Processors

Top 10 Industries Considered High-Risk by Payment Processors
By alphacardprocess July 21, 2024

In the world of payment processing, certain industries are considered high-risk due to various factors such as legal and regulatory issues, high chargeback rates, and potential for fraudulent activities. Payment processors, the intermediaries between merchants and banks, play a crucial role in facilitating secure and efficient transactions. However, they must carefully assess the risks associated with different industries before providing their services. In this article, we will explore the top 10 industries considered high-risk by payment processors, shedding light on the challenges they face and the reasons behind their classification.

What Makes an Industry High-Risk for Payment Processors?

Before delving into specific industries, it is important to understand the criteria that payment processors use to determine whether an industry is high-risk or not. Several factors contribute to this classification, including:

  1. Legal and Regulatory Issues: Industries that operate in a legal gray area or face stringent regulations are often considered high-risk. This includes sectors such as online gambling, adult entertainment, and pharmaceuticals.
  2. High Chargeback Rates: Chargebacks occur when customers dispute a transaction and request a refund from their bank. Industries with high chargeback rates, such as travel and subscription-based services, are deemed high-risk due to the financial burden they impose on payment processors.
  3. Fraudulent Activities: Industries that are more susceptible to fraudulent activities, such as cryptocurrency and forex trading, are considered high-risk. The potential for money laundering, identity theft, and other fraudulent schemes poses significant challenges for payment processors.

Now that we have a clear understanding of the criteria used to classify industries as high-risk, let’s explore the top 10 industries in detail.

The Online Gambling and Gaming Industry: A High-Risk Sector

The online gambling and gaming industry has experienced tremendous growth in recent years, with millions of people participating in various forms of online betting and gaming. However, this industry is considered high-risk due to its legal and regulatory complexities. While online gambling is legal in some jurisdictions, it is prohibited or heavily regulated in others. This creates challenges for payment processors, as they must navigate a complex web of laws and regulations to ensure compliance.

Furthermore, the online gambling industry is notorious for its high chargeback rates. Customers who lose money may dispute the transactions and request chargebacks, leading to financial losses for both merchants and payment processors. To mitigate these risks, payment processors often impose strict underwriting requirements and charge higher fees to merchants operating in this industry.

Adult Entertainment: A Controversial Industry with High-Risk Considerations

The adult entertainment industry, encompassing pornography, strip clubs, and other adult-oriented businesses, is another high-risk sector in payment processing. The controversial nature of this industry, coupled with legal restrictions and societal taboos, makes it challenging for payment processors to provide their services.

Many banks and payment processors have strict policies against working with adult entertainment merchants due to reputational risks. The fear of association with explicit content and potential backlash from customers and stakeholders often leads to the exclusion of this industry from mainstream payment processing services. As a result, adult entertainment businesses often rely on alternative payment methods or specialized payment processors that cater specifically to their needs.

Pharmaceuticals and Nutraceuticals: Challenges in Payment Processing

The pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industries, which encompass the production and sale of drugs and dietary supplements, face numerous challenges in payment processing. The primary concern for payment processors in these industries is the risk of selling counterfeit or illegal products. With the rise of online pharmacies and the ease of purchasing medications over the internet, the potential for fraud and the sale of unregulated substances is a significant concern.

Additionally, the regulatory landscape surrounding pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals is complex and varies from country to country. Payment processors must ensure that merchants comply with applicable laws and regulations, including obtaining the necessary licenses and certifications. Failure to do so can result in legal consequences and reputational damage for both the merchant and the payment processor.

Travel and Tourism: Factors that Contribute to High-Risk Classification

The travel and tourism industry, which includes airlines, hotels, and travel agencies, is considered high-risk due to several factors. Firstly, the high-ticket nature of travel-related purchases increases the potential for chargebacks. Customers may dispute transactions if they are dissatisfied with the services provided or if their travel plans are disrupted.

Secondly, the global nature of the travel industry introduces additional complexities for payment processors. Cross-border transactions, currency conversions, and compliance with international regulations pose challenges that require specialized expertise and infrastructure.

Lastly, the travel industry is susceptible to fraud, particularly in the form of identity theft and fake bookings. Fraudsters may use stolen credit card information to make fraudulent reservations, resulting in financial losses for both merchants and payment processors. To mitigate these risks, payment processors often implement stringent fraud prevention measures and closely monitor transactions in the travel and tourism sector.

Cryptocurrency and Forex Trading: Risks and Challenges for Payment Processors

The rise of cryptocurrencies and forex trading has revolutionized the financial industry, but it has also introduced new risks and challenges for payment processors. Cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, are decentralized digital currencies that operate outside the traditional banking system. While they offer benefits such as faster transactions and lower fees, they also present unique challenges for payment processors.

One of the main concerns with cryptocurrencies is their association with illicit activities, including money laundering and the financing of terrorism. The anonymous nature of cryptocurrency transactions makes it difficult to trace the source of funds, raising compliance and regulatory concerns for payment processors.

Forex trading, on the other hand, involves the buying and selling of foreign currencies in the global marketplace. The volatility and speculative nature of forex markets make them prone to fraud and manipulation. Payment processors must carefully assess the risks associated with forex trading and implement robust risk management measures to protect themselves and their clients.

Subscription-Based Services: High-Risk Considerations for Recurring Payments

Subscription-based services, such as streaming platforms, software-as-a-service (SaaS) providers, and membership websites, have gained immense popularity in recent years. However, the recurring payment model employed by these businesses poses unique challenges for payment processors.

One of the main concerns with subscription-based services is the potential for high chargeback rates. Customers may forget about their subscriptions or dispute transactions if they are dissatisfied with the services provided. This can result in financial losses for merchants and payment processors, as chargebacks often come with additional fees and penalties.

To mitigate these risks, payment processors often require merchants in the subscription-based services industry to implement robust customer retention strategies and provide clear cancellation policies. Additionally, they may impose stricter underwriting requirements and reserve funds to cover potential chargebacks.

Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) and Direct Selling: Payment Processing Challenges

Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) and direct selling companies, which rely on a network of distributors to sell their products or services, face unique challenges in payment processing. While not inherently high-risk, the MLM industry has been associated with fraudulent schemes and pyramid schemes in the past, leading to increased scrutiny from payment processors.

Payment processors must carefully assess MLM companies to ensure that they operate within legal boundaries and comply with applicable regulations. They may require detailed documentation, including information about the compensation structure, product inventory, and distributor agreements. Additionally, payment processors often monitor MLM companies closely for signs of fraudulent activities and excessive chargeback rates.


Q.1: Why do payment processors consider certain industries high-risk?

Payment processors consider certain industries high-risk due to factors such as legal and regulatory issues, high chargeback rates, and potential for fraudulent activities. These risks impose financial and reputational burdens on payment processors, leading to stricter underwriting requirements and higher fees for merchants operating in high-risk industries.

Q.2: How do payment processors mitigate risks in high-risk industries?

Payment processors mitigate risks in high-risk industries by implementing robust risk management measures, such as fraud prevention tools, chargeback monitoring systems, and compliance checks. They may also require merchants to provide additional documentation and reserves funds to cover potential chargebacks.

Q.3: Can high-risk industries find alternative payment processing solutions?

Yes, high-risk industries can find alternative payment processing solutions through specialized payment processors that cater specifically to their needs. These processors have expertise in navigating the unique challenges associated with high-risk industries and can provide tailored solutions to merchants.


In conclusion, payment processors play a crucial role in facilitating secure and efficient transactions for merchants across various industries. However, certain sectors are considered high-risk due to legal and regulatory issues, high chargeback rates, and potential for fraudulent activities. The online gambling and gaming industry, adult entertainment, pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals, travel and tourism, cryptocurrency and forex trading, subscription-based services, and multi-level marketing are among the top 10 industries considered high-risk by payment processors.

Each industry presents unique challenges and requires specialized expertise to navigate the complexities of payment processing. Payment processors must carefully assess the risks associated with these industries and implement robust risk management measures to protect themselves and their clients. By understanding the factors that contribute to high-risk classification and staying abreast of industry trends and regulations, payment processors can effectively serve merchants in high-risk industries while mitigating potential risks.