How to Open a High Risk Merchant Account: Step by Step Guide

How to Open a High Risk Merchant Account: Step by Step Guide
By alphacardprocess May 9, 2024

Opening a high risk merchant account is a crucial step for businesses that operate in industries considered to be of higher risk, including sectors like online gaming, adult entertainment, and e-commerce. These accounts are specifically designed to manage the increased risks of chargebacks and fraud associated with these industries. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you successfully open a high risk merchant account, ensuring your business can securely process payments and maintain operational stability.

Understanding High Risk Merchant Accounts

Before diving into the process of opening a high risk merchant account, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of what exactly constitutes a high risk merchant account.

What is a High Risk Merchant Account?

A high risk merchant account is a type of merchant account that is specifically designed for businesses operating in industries that are considered high risk by financial institutions. These industries typically include online gambling, adult entertainment, pharmaceuticals, travel, and e-commerce. Due to the higher risk associated with these industries, traditional banks and payment processors are often hesitant to provide merchant account services to businesses operating in them.

Why Do Businesses Need High Risk Merchant Accounts?

Businesses operating in certain industries often face higher risks associated with financial transactions, including increased rates of chargebacks and potential for fraud. Such businesses include online gambling sites, adult entertainment, pharmaceuticals, travel agencies, telemarketing, e-commerce, and others perceived as high risk by financial institutions. To manage these risks and facilitate smooth financial operations, these businesses require high risk merchant accounts. Here’s an in-depth look at why these accounts are essential.

Enhanced Transaction Capabilities

High risk merchant accounts are specially designed to handle the elevated risk of chargebacks and fraud inherent in some industries. These accounts enable businesses to process larger volumes of transactions and accept payments from international customers. Standard merchant accounts typically have stricter transaction limits and may not offer the same level of flexibility.

Global Market Access

For businesses looking to expand internationally, a high risk merchant account is crucial. These accounts often support transactions in multiple currencies and are equipped to handle cross-border payments. This capability allows businesses to reach a broader audience and operate on a global scale, which is particularly important for e-commerce platforms.

Diverse Payment Methods

High risk merchant accounts typically provide support for a wider range of payment methods, including credit cards, debit cards, and sometimes cryptocurrencies or other digital payments. This flexibility is vital for businesses that need to accommodate the preferences of a diverse customer base, enhancing customer satisfaction and increasing the potential for higher sales volumes.

Risk Management Tools

Providers of high risk merchant accounts usually offer advanced risk management tools to help businesses monitor and reduce fraudulent transactions. These tools include secure payment gateways, fraud detection software, and robust encryption methods. Having access to such advanced security measures helps protect the business and its customers from potential threats.

Continuous Business Operations

Businesses in high risk industries may find it difficult to secure standard merchant accounts due to their high chargeback rates and the increased risk of fraud. Without a high risk merchant account, these businesses may face operational disruptions or be unable to process payments altogether. High risk merchant accounts ensure that businesses can continue to operate smoothly without interruption.

Regulatory Compliance

High risk merchant account providers are well-versed in the regulatory requirements of various high risk industries. They can guide businesses in maintaining compliance with local and international regulations, which is crucial for avoiding legal problems and hefty fines. Compliance support includes assistance with data security standards, anti-money laundering protocols, and other regulatory mandates.

Financial Stability

By providing a reliable way to manage financial transactions, high risk merchant accounts contribute to the overall stability of a business. They help in managing cash flows effectively, ensuring that businesses can cover operational costs, pay employees, and invest in growth opportunities without financial strain.

Factors That Determine High Risk Merchant Account Approval

Obtaining approval for a high-risk merchant account is a crucial step for businesses that operate within industries considered to be at elevated risk of fraud and chargebacks. These accounts are tailored to meet the needs of businesses that standard banking institutions view as too risky. Here are the primary factors that determine whether a high-risk merchant account application gets approved:

1. Industry Type

The nature of the business plays a pivotal role in the assessment process. Industries like online gaming, pharmaceuticals, adult entertainment, and travel are typically labeled as high risk. These sectors are prone to high chargeback rates and regulatory scrutiny, which can complicate financial transactions.

2. Credit History

A merchant’s credit history is a significant determinant in the approval process. Providers of high-risk accounts scrutinize personal and business credit scores to evaluate risk. A history of bankruptcy, late payments, or poor credit management can decrease the likelihood of approval, but some high-risk providers specialize in working with businesses with less-than-perfect credit histories.

3. Transaction Size and Volume

High transaction volumes and ticket sizes are common in high-risk industries, and they increase the potential financial liability for merchant account providers. Businesses that process a large volume of transactions or have high average ticket sizes may face stricter scrutiny but can still obtain accounts if other risk factors are adequately managed.

4. History of Chargebacks

A high incidence of chargebacks is a red flag for any merchant account provider, especially in the high-risk sector. Businesses with a history of chargebacks are viewed as a liability, as chargebacks can lead to significant financial losses. Demonstrating a plan to manage and reduce chargebacks effectively can improve approval chances.

5. Geographical Location

The geographical location of a business’s customers also influences the risk assessment. Transactions from countries with higher rates of fraud are viewed more cautiously. Businesses that operate internationally or in regions considered high-risk may need to implement more robust security measures to secure approval.

6. Compliance and Security Measures

Regulatory compliance and security measures are crucial for high-risk accounts. Businesses must adhere to industry standards such as PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) and have solid frameworks to prevent fraud and data breaches. Demonstrating a commitment to security can significantly affect the approval process.

7. Business History and Financial Health

The length of time a business has been operational and its financial stability also influence decisions. New businesses with unproven track records are riskier, whereas established businesses with steady revenue streams are more likely to secure account approval. Transparent financial records and healthy cash flows can help mitigate other risk factors.

Step by Step Guide to Opening a High Risk Merchant Account

Now that we have a clear understanding of high risk merchant accounts, let’s dive into the step by step process of opening one.

Step 1: Research and Identify High Risk Merchant Account Providers

Research and Identify High Risk Merchant Account Providers

The first step in opening a high risk merchant account is to research and identify reputable high risk merchant account providers. Look for providers that have experience working with businesses in your industry and have a track record of providing reliable and secure payment processing services. Read reviews, compare fees and services, and gather as much information as possible to make an informed decision.

Step 2: Gather and Prepare Required Documentation

Prepare Required Documentation

Once you have identified potential high risk merchant account providers, the next step is to gather and prepare the required documentation. This typically includes business registration documents, financial statements, processing history, and identification documents. Be prepared to provide detailed information about your business and its operations to demonstrate your legitimacy and financial stability.

Step 3: Submit Application to High Risk Merchant Account Provider

Submit Application to High Risk Merchant Account

After gathering and preparing the required documentation, it’s time to submit your application to the high risk merchant account provider. Fill out the application form accurately and provide all the necessary information. Be transparent about your business operations and any potential risks associated with your industry. The more information you provide, the better chance you have of getting approved.

Step 4: Undergo Due Diligence and Risk Assessment

Once your application is submitted, the high risk merchant account provider will conduct due diligence and risk assessment on your business. This process involves verifying the information provided in your application, assessing the level of risk associated with your industry, and evaluating your financial stability. Be prepared to answer any additional questions or provide further documentation if requested.

Step 5: Negotiate Terms and Fees with the Provider

If your application is approved, the next step is to negotiate the terms and fees of your high risk merchant account with the provider. Discuss the processing rates, transaction fees, chargeback fees, and any other fees associated with the account. Negotiate the best possible terms that align with your business’s financial goals and projections.

Step 6: Sign the Agreement and Set Up Payment Processing

Once you have agreed upon the terms and fees, it’s time to sign the agreement and set up payment processing. Review the agreement carefully and ensure that all the terms and conditions are clearly stated. Once you are satisfied, sign the agreement and provide any additional information required to set up payment processing. The provider will guide you through the process and assist you in integrating their payment gateway with your website or point of sale system.

H2: Frequently Asked Questions about High Risk Merchant Accounts

Now that we have covered the step by step process of opening a high risk merchant account, let’s address some frequently asked questions about these accounts.

Q.1: What types of businesses are considered high risk?

Businesses that are considered high risk include online gambling, adult entertainment, pharmaceuticals, travel, e-commerce, and any industry with a high chargeback ratio or regulatory restrictions.

Q.2: How long does it take to open a high risk merchant account?

The time it takes to open a high risk merchant account can vary depending on the provider and the complexity of your business. It can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to get approved and set up.

Q.3: Can I switch from a regular merchant account to a high risk merchant account?

Yes, it is possible to switch from a regular merchant account to a high risk merchant account. However, you will need to go through the application process again and provide the necessary documentation to demonstrate your eligibility for a high risk account.

Q.4: What are the fees associated with a high risk merchant account?

The fees associated with a high risk merchant account can vary depending on the provider and the specific terms of your agreement. Common fees include processing rates, transaction fees, chargeback fees, and monthly fees.

Q.5: How can I reduce the risk associated with my high risk merchant account?

To reduce the risk associated with your high risk merchant account, it is important to implement strong fraud prevention measures, monitor chargeback ratios, and maintain open lines of communication with your provider. By actively managing risk, you can minimize the potential impact on your account.


In conclusion, opening a high risk merchant account is a crucial step for businesses operating in industries considered high risk by traditional financial institutions. By following the step by step guide outlined in this article, businesses can navigate the process successfully and secure a high risk merchant account. Remember to research and identify reputable providers, gather and prepare the required documentation, submit a thorough application, negotiate favorable terms and fees, and set up payment processing.